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Click here for more info about the Spring 2023 Showcase!
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The Bernard M. Gordon Learning Factory is a hands-on facility for engineering students to use in conjunction with capstone design and other courses, as well as research projects and student organizations. The Learning Factory provides modern design, prototyping, and manufacturing facilities, including machining (CNC and manual), 3D printing, welding, metrology, and CAD/CAM.
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Teams of engineering students tackle real-world problems sponsored by clients, challenging students to apply the knowledge and tools acquired during their undergraduate education to help solve engineering problems. The Learning Factory provides a unique opportunity for industry sponsors to partner with Penn State to help educate the next generation of World Class Engineers using state-of-the-art facilities for design, prototyping, and fabrication.

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We are accepting project submissions for fall 2023. Deadline: August 3, 2023
Click 极星vpn for Fall 2023 FAQs and what to expect.
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